Student theses
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A Study on Long Term Physiological Index by Using Time-Frequency Analysis
Author: 一心, 梁., 2017 Feb 16Supervisor: Shu, Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A study on the characteristics of cylindrical vector polarization and nonlinear dynamics behavior in Nd-doped laser systems
Author: 肯嘉, 張., 2014 Aug 6Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Study on the Synthesis of Porous Metal Aluminosilicate and the Application in Catalytic Reaction
Author: 信凱, 黃., 2020Supervisor: Lin, H. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Author: 健宇, 廖., 2016 Sept 7Supervisor: Liou, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A taxonomy of Koethe's problem
Author: 顯倫, 劉., 2015 Jul 13Supervisor: Ke, W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Attacks on RSA with Low-Exponet Private Key
Author: 鼎軒, 馮., 2014 Jul 15Supervisor: Ke, W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A Twisted Electron Donor / Electron Acceptor Molecule : Synthesis and Properties
Author: 宛蓉, 蔣., 2020Supervisor: Sung, K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Automation for Numerical Computations on the Cardiac Monodomain Simulations
Author: 彥合, 賴., 2020Supervisor: Chen, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Backward resonant four-wave mixing by quantum interference
Author: 俊杰, 吳., 2016 Sept 7Supervisor: Chen, Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Bifacial perovskite solar cells and their application for perovskite/silicon tandem device
Author: 偉喬, 洪., 2020Supervisor: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Biomimetic Nitrogen Fixation with Iron Complexes on a Tris(thiolato)phosphine Platform
Author: 則勝, 黃., 2017 Jul 22Supervisor: Richard L., K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Biomimetic Nitrogen Fixation with Iron Complexes on a Tris(thiolato)phosphine Platform
Author: 則勝, 黃., 2017 Jul 22Supervisor: Hsu, H. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Both of Multi-Primary Color Pixel Arrangements and Conversion Algorithms Used to Improve Imaging Performance on LCDs
Author: 彥欽, 王., 2014 Sept 3Supervisor: Sheu, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Boundary Element Method For Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Of String Vibration Problem
Author: 振瑋, 黃., 2020Supervisor: Shen, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Bound States in Continuum for 1D Periodic Dielectric Nanostructures analyzed by Finite Difference Time Domain method
Author: 奇葆, 陳., 2019Supervisor: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Bound States in the Continuum for 2D Periodic nanostructures analyzed by Finite-difference Time-Domain method with Pade Approximation for high Q factor
Author: 漢廷, 黃., 2019Supervisor: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Bovine Serum Albumin-Protected Gold Nanoclusters for the Detection of Catechol analogues
Author: 媺媃, 洪., 2019Supervisor: Chen, S. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Calibration of A Miniaturized Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Probe
Author: 振倫, 孫., 2020Supervisor: Chen, B. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Calibration of the BF-4 Magnetic Field Induction Sensor and the Algorithm of Lightning Related Charge Moment
Author: 許, 長., 2009Supervisor: Chen, B. (Supervisor) & Hsu, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Cavity design for generation of cylindrical vector beam in an Yb:YAB pulse laser with an intra-cavity birefringent crystal
Author: 柏任, 蘇., 2020Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Cavity design for the generation of cylindrical vector beam with low M-squared beam quality
Author: 振宇, 何., 2019Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Chaos and extreme events in a geometric-ring-mode laser
Author: 忠恩, 蔡., 2019Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Chaos and extreme events in a pump-modulation laser system
Author: 靖宸, 黃., 2019Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Chaos Extreme Events and Optical Bistability of a Nd:YVO4 Laser
Author: 國蔚, 何., 2020Supervisor: Wei, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Characteristics and stability of inorganic halide perovskite with different annealing temperature
Author: 佳儒, 詹., 2019Supervisor: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis