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Using Systems Factoril Techonology to Study the Emergent Protperties of Decision-Making Process: from Individual Decisions to Joint Decisions
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Trade Secret Protection on Globalisation Era: Study on Eu Directive and Natioanl Laws
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Online Student-Generated Questions with Different Levels of Structure: System Development, Instructional Design, and Learning Assessment
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Rethinking the Impacts of Social Control on the Occurrence and Frequency of Delinquency in Taiwan Metropolitan Areas: a Zero-Inflated Model Approach
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Sample Size Planning for Integrative Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals: Developing R Shiny Apps for Normal, Exponential, and Poisson Distributions
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Develpment and Examiniation of Virtual Reality in Visuospatial Cogntiive Training on the Learning of Geometry in the Elementary School
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
The Whole Is Other Than the Sum of Its Parts: Subthreshold Summation in Plaid Pattern Detection
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
The Political Processes of Judicial Independence Reform and Its Limitations
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Research on Self-Reliance Community of Disaster Prevention
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Decoding and Promoting Resilient Brains: from Multivariate Profiling to Intervention (1/2)
21-01-01 → 21-12-31
Project: Research project
Crossmodal selection in attention and action: Age related changes in cognitive preparation of crossmodal processing & neural underpinnings
20-12-01 → 21-11-30
Project: Research project
Personality Traits, Internet Sensationalized Politics and Political Behavior
20-09-01 → 21-08-31
Project: Research project