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- 150 - 200 out of 837 results
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Group Variable Selection without Data-Snooping Bias: Using a Knockoff Filter to Control the False Discovery Rate
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Optogenetic and Chemogenetic Investigation of the Projection Inputs to the Mpfc Involved in Cb1-Mediated Cocaine-Associated Memory
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Deepening and Understanding of Paternalistic Leadership : Integrated Research of Power Source and Social Network Perspective
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Using Systems Factoril Techonology to Study the Emergent Protperties of Decision-Making Process: from Individual Decisions to Joint Decisions
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Development of Circadian Rhythm Regulation Strategies for Enhancing Learning/Working Performance through Empirical Evidence-Based Field Trials
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Analysis of Variance in the Comparison of Curves
Sheu, C.
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Personality Traits, Social Media and Civic Consciousness
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
Project: Research project
Unbeatable Mind: Big Data (Brain Imaging Genetics) and Air Cloud Platform (Ai, Ar/Vr) Decode Resilient Brain for Success
20-06-01 → 20-12-31
Project: Research project
Development of Smart Shopping Mall Service and User Experience Research: an Integration of Ibeacon Technology and Augmented Reality Technology
20-06-01 → 21-05-31
Project: Research project
20-06-01 → 20-12-31
Project: Research project
Research on Community Self-Reliance and Disaster Prevention of Nuclear Power Plants in Northern Taiwan
20-01-01 → 20-12-31
Project: Research project
Coopetition, Compromise, and Theory of Mind in Multi-Person Interactions and Hyperscanning( III )
20-01-01 → 20-12-31
Project: Research project
在零利率時期的非傳統貨幣政策宣告,投資人情緒如何影響股票報酬率、波動、及交易量? 使用從社交媒體及線上消息萃取投資人情緒
19-08-01 → 20-07-31
Project: Research project
Optogenetic and Chemogenetic Investigation of the Projection Inputs to the Mpfc Involved in Cb1-Mediated Cocaine-Associated Memory
19-08-01 → 20-07-31
Project: Research project