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Developing and Evaluating the Star Training Program on Newly Hired Nurses’ Resilience, and Well-Being, Professional Performance
23-08-01 → 24-07-31
Project: Research project
Developing and Evaluating a Star Resilience Program for New Nurses to Combat Burnout
22-08-01 → 23-07-31
Project: Research project
Elegant Duo: the Effectiveness of Teaching-Learning Synchronization Strategies to Decrease Stress among New Nurses in the First Three Months
21-08-01 → 22-07-31
Project: Research project
Developing Burnout Inventory among Taiwanese Nurses by Using Mixed Methods
19-08-01 → 20-07-31
Project: Research project
Process Analysis for Quality of Life, Burnout, Resilience and Intent-To-Leave among New Nurses
18-09-01 → 19-08-31
Project: Research project