Improving Student’S Computational Thinking, Creativity, and High Order Thinking Skills through Steam Pbl Approach

Project: Research project

Project Details


Taiwan’s Ministry of Education published “The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education” in 2014, in which the "Information Technology (IT)" has been included in the ministry-mandated required courses in secondary education. This study is designed as four-year research, which aims to integrate the elements of STEAM PBL to develop junior high school IT course. With a focus on the promotion of high order thinking skills, the newly developed STEAM PBL course prioritizes the empowerment of student’s computational thinking, creativity, and other high order thinking skills, whereas their learning motivation, academic achievement, and technology competencies are also promoted. In the first phase of the current research, a series of interviews will be conducted with experts/scholars on computational thinking, creativity, STEAM, and PBL fields. A group of experienced/awarded IT teachers will be recruited to collaboratively develop STEAM PBL course, teaching materials, and evaluation framework/instruments. Subsequently, three rounds of experimental teaching will be conducted through year two to year four. A mixed-methods design will be utilized, in which quantitative and qualitative data will be systematically collected and analyzed throughout the experimental teaching process. The collection and analysis of the evidence from multiple sources, phases, and stakeholders can help contextualize the practice of STEAM PBL IT course, and systematically investigate its impact on student’s multiple capabilities, including computational thinking, creativity, attainment, IT competencies, and other high order thinking skills. The changes in the multiple capabilities throughout the experimental teaching and their dynamic relationships will also be examined. Moreover, the principal investigator (PI) and CO-PI will seek for a range of international collaborations with scholars/experts in the UK (e.g., The University of Cambridge), the US (e.g., Michigan State University), and Hong Kong (e.g., The University of Hong Kong and The Education University of Hong Kong). The conduction of the current study has its significance and appropriateness, which has the potential to make methodological, theoretical, and practical contributions to the field and knowledge. Some practical educational implications will be provided for educational sectors, future researchers, and educators.
Effective start/end date20-10-0121-09-30


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