The Process of Consumer Socialization Theory on Information Sharing in Social Network Services

Project: Research project

Project Details


The so-called Generation Me are seen as people with traits such as high levels of neuroticism, greater externality of locus of control, high self-worth evaluation, and less need for social approval. These traits make Generation Me consumers more self-centered, less likely to agree, and less likely share contents that others have shared. However, such individuals are also the most active users of social networking services and content sharers. To understand to paradox of this situation, this study thus examines why Generation Me consumers are willing to share contents received on social networking services. This study adopts consumer socialization theory to examine whether the key traits of Generation Me (self-esteem, narcissism, need for social approval, externality of locus of control, neuroticism-anxiety, neuroticism-depression) will be affected by the consumer socialization process (normative social influence and informational social influence), thus more willing to share digital contents posted. The current study also hypothesizes that social comparisons and anticipated emotions moderate the socialization process and content sharing behavior of Generation Me. An online questionnaire will be developed for social networking site user who is born between the 1980s-2000s, and 1000 valid questionnaires are expected to be collected. The results of the SEM, this study is expected to contribute to the related literature and practical, which researchers and managers can have better understanding on the attitude and behavior of Generation Me when they participate in the SNSs activities, to develop future marketing and management strategies. (Note: Born in the '80s and '90s call “The Generation Me”.)
Effective start/end date18-08-0119-07-31


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