
Translated title of the contribution: Economical Globalization versus Regionalization: Analysis from Rawls' Theory of Justice

江 欣彥(Hsin-Yen Chiang), 丁 仁方

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Under the tendency of globalization, the international economy conformity already was the inevitable direction; However, Globalism (e.g. the WTO cooperation pattern), or Regionalism (based on bilateral principle negotiated price pattern), which pattern is more conforming with justness and fairness, is the main discuss in this article. Based on just discussion, this article quoted John Rawls ”The Theory of Justice”, expanding its 'two principles of justice' to analysis the justness in international system. The author induced three items to comment: (1) The principle of equal qualifications; (2) The principle of equal opportunity; (3) The principle of differential compensation. In the view of development in Globalism and Regionalism, I'd hope to observe the just pattern in international system. This article mainly divides into four core subjects: (1) Analysis of John Rawls' just theory; (2) The proof of international society may regard as the domestic situation; (3) Distinction between Globalism and Regionalism; (4) The justness in two kinds of international system. After above four stage inferential reasoning, this article discovered that, Based on the reason of (1) The widespread degree of member admittance qualifications; (2) The fairness of member participates in the policy-making mechanism; (3) The legalization of compensative mechanism. Globalism is obviously more fair than Regionalism. In other words, this article think that WTO system is more suitable to be the pattern of global economic cooperation.
Translated title of the contributionEconomical Globalization versus Regionalization: Analysis from Rawls' Theory of Justice
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)85-112
Number of pages28
Journal元培學報 = Journal of Yuanpei University of Science and Technology
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2011 Dec 1


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