A Novel Facial Thermal Feature Extraction Method for Non-Contact Healthcare System

Zhi Hao Wang, Gwo Jiun Horng, Tz Heng Hsu, Chao Chun Chen, Gwo Jia Jong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Citations (Scopus)


The non-contact healthcare system is a system that can avoid germ infection, and can also provide comfortable and convenient health care services for the caregivers. In the current thermal imaging research, local or small area images are used to represent the overall temperature information of the participants, but the temperature feature of the face should not only be used in a small part and ignore other parts. The facial thermal image can show clear temperature feature but is not conducive to meaningful feature extraction. Therefore, this research proposed a novel facial thermal image feature extraction method, which is used facial landmarks to detect and cut 12 blocks to establish a new feature matrix based on color mean values and standard deviation values. It can establish clear features on facial thermal images. The core part of the proposed healthcare system is the use of a deep learning framework, which is based on CAFFE under the DIGITS platform. The CAFFE runs the classic CNN, GoogLeNet. Based on the acquired images and new feature types, four models were trained, which were used for the raw RGB image, raw thermal image, RGB feature image, and thermal feature image. In the experiment, 800 images were used for training and validation, and 200 images were used for testing. An additional 40 images were used for random testing. The experimental results show that RGB images cannot be effectively used, thermal images can effectively predict the health status, and thermal feature images have the highest prediction accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9087875
Pages (from-to)86545-86553
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Computer Science
  • General Materials Science
  • General Engineering


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