Anoxia-induced hippocampal LTP is regeneratively produced by glutamate and nitric oxide from the neuro-glial-endothelial axis

Han Ying Wang, Hiroshi Takagi, Patrick N. Stoney, Anai Echeverria, Bernd Kuhn, Kuei Sen Hsu, Tomoyuki Takahashi

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Transient anoxia causes amnesia and neuronal death. This is attributed to enhanced glutamate release and modeled as anoxia-induced long-term potentiation (aLTP). aLTP is mediated by glutamate receptors and nitric oxide (·NO) and occludes stimulation-induced LTP. We identified a signaling cascade downstream of ·NO leading to glutamate release and a glutamate-·NO loop regeneratively boosting aLTP. aLTP in entothelial ·NO synthase (eNOS)-knockout mice and blocking neuronal NOS (nNOS) activity suggested that both nNOS and eNOS contribute to aLTP. Immunostaining result showed that eNOS is predominantly expressed in vascular endothelia. Transient anoxia induced a long-lasting Ca2+ elevation in astrocytes that mirrored aLTP. Blocking astrocyte metabolism or depletion of the NMDA receptor ligand D-serine abolished eNOS-dependent aLTP, suggesting that astrocytic Ca2+ elevation stimulates D-serine release from endfeet to endothelia, thereby releasing ·NO synthesized by eNOS. Thus, the neuro-glial-endothelial axis is involved in long-term enhancement of glutamate release after transient anoxia.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109515
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2024 Apr 19

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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