Electrodeposition of aluminum on magnesium (Mg) alloys in ionic liquids to improve corrosion resistance

Wen Ta Tsai, I. Wen Sun

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

13 Citations (Scopus)


To improve the corrosion resistance of magnesium (Mg) alloys, surface modification is applied in an attempt to produce a corrosion resistant barrier. In this chapter, a new method to deposit aluminum (Al) film on a Mg alloy surface is demonstrated. Electrodeposition of Al on AZ91D Mg alloy, using an acidic aluminum chloride-1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ionic liquid (AlCl3-EMIC), has been shown to be feasible. The existence of Al coating can cause a substantial increase in corrosion resistance, reducing the susceptibility of Mg alloy to aqueous corrosion. The results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy show that Al coating leads to an increase in the polarization resistance of a bare Mg alloy by one order of magnitude in 3.5wt% NaCl solution. Furthermore, the potentiodynamic polarization results show that Al-coated Mg alloy can be passivated, and a wider passive region with a lower passive current density can be obtained if the Al is electrodeposited at a lower applied current or a low cathodic overpotential. The passivity of the co-deposited Al/Zn film is slightly inferior to that of the pure Al coating.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCorrosion Prevention of Magnesium Alloys
Subtitle of host publicationA volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering
PublisherElsevier Ltd
Number of pages21
ISBN (Print)9780857094377
Publication statusPublished - 2013 Feb

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Materials Science


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