Erratum to: Multiwavelength study of X-ray luminous clusters in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A field (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (2017) 70:SP1 (S22) DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx132)

Keita Miyaoka, Nobuhiro Okabe, Takao Kitaguchi, Masamune Oguri, Yasushi Fukazawa, Rachel Mandelbaum, Elinor Medezinski, Yasunori Babazaki, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Takashi Hamana, Yen Ting Lin, Hiroki Akamatsu, I. Non Chiu, Yutaka Fujita, Yuto Ichinohe, Yutaka Komiyama, Toru Sasaki, Motokazu Takizawa, Shutaro Ueda, Keiichi UmetsuJean Coupon, Chiaki Hikage, Akio Hoshino, Alexie Leauthaud, Kyoko Matsushita, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi, Hironao Miyatake, Satoshi Miyazaki, Surhud More, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Naomi Ota, Kousuke Sato, David Spergel, Takayuki Tamura, Masayuki Tanaka, Manobu M. Tanaka, Yousuke Utsumi

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


In the published version of this article, (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP1, 2018, S22, first published online 21 December 2017, doi: 10.1093/pasj/psx132), the following error appears: The caption for figure 3 appears under figure 4 and the caption for figure 4 appears under figure 3. The publisher apologises for the error.(Figure Persenetd).

Original languageEnglish
Article number56
JournalPublication of the Astronomical Society of Japan
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2018 Jun 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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