Finite element modeling of superplastic co-doped yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia polycrystals

Hsuan Teh Hu, Shih Tsung Tseng, Alice Hu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP) have been shown to have superplastic properties at high temperatures, opening a way for the manufacture of complex pieces for industrial applications by a variety of techniques. However, before that is possible, it is important to analyze the deformation and fracture mechanisms at a macroscopic level based on continuum theory. In this paper, an elastic-plastic material model with a theoretical large deformation is constructed to simulate the true stress-true strain relationships of superplastic ceramics. The simplified constitutive law used for the numerical simulations is based on piecewise linear connections at the turning points of different deformation stages on the experimental stress-strain curves. The finite element model (FEM) is applied to selected tensile tests on 3-mol%-Y-TZP (3Y-TZP) co-doped with germanium oxide and other oxides (titanium, magnesium, and calcium) to verify its applicability. The results show that the stress-strain characteristics and the final deformed shapes in the finite element analysis (FEA) agree well with the tensile test experiments. It can be seen that the FEM presented can simulate the mechanical behavior of superplastic co-doped 3Y-TZP ceramics and that it offers a selective numerical simulation method for advanced development of superplastic ceramics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)989-999
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Zhejiang University: Science A
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2016 Dec 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


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