GNSS activities in Taiwan

Jyh Ching Juang, Vicky Chu, Shau Shiun Jan, Chih Hung Li, C. T. Weng, Nelson Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


In the paper, some activities relevant to the applications of GNSS technology in Taiwan are reported. As Taiwan is not and will not likely be a GNSS service/augmentation provider, the emphases of the paper are on the establishment of GNSS infrastructure, provision of enhanced location service, scientific applications of GNSS, and GNSS consumer electronics and applications. Ever since the introduction of GPS, the potentials of satellite navigation systems have been envisioned and several programs have been established to facilitate location service and promote relevant applications. The paper describes early work on the establishment of GPS tracking station network as the basis of fundamental measurement system. The GPS measurement data as collected have been processed and employed to refine the national datum. Several tracking networks are then established in the late 1990s and early 2000s to serve the purpose of land deformation monitoring, network-based RTK positioning, and scientific use. As the GNSS is an essential ingredient of the location-based service. The government has launched several initiatives to stimulate researches on the development of technology and products. In particular, an e-GPS system has been built to facilitate high-precision, real-time surveying and measurement tasks. Some improvements in GNSS-based positioning and navigation through the development of domestic ionospheric and troposheric models have been made under the e-GPS framework. As Taiwan is noted for its strength on information and computer technology (ICT), many GNSS chips, modules, and devices are manufactured in Taiwan. The paper will highlight the supply chain of the GNSS products with some descriptions on the development of advanced multi-GNSS chipset and niche applications. Some innovative design features on GNSS chipset have been developed, which lead to the early release of multi-GNSS chipset that is capable of performing timing and positioning through the use of GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo, and QZSS satellites. In the upcoming decade, East Asia is typically regarded as the hot spot of GNSS as more satellites can be observed in this area. Taiwan which is also located in this hot spot has taken advantage of research on the scientific applications of multi-GNSS signals. One prominent research result is the use of ground-based GNSS signal tracking for ionospheric studies and space weather monitoring. Taiwan has launched a constellation of six low-earth orbiting FORMOSAT-3 satellites to observe GPS refracted signals through the atmosphere to constitute an observing system for meteorology, ionosphere, and climate. The satellite system which remains operational today has in average provided 2000 atmospheric sounding data per day to facilitate weather forecast and space weather monitoring. As a follow-on to the successful FORMOSAT-3 program, Taiwan, again in cooperation with the USA, is currently carrying out the FORMOSAT-7 program which encompasses the development of 12 mission-specific satellites with upgraded GPS/GLONASS/Galileo receivers, together with one domestic satellite. The 12-satellites are planned to be launched and deployed in two clusters of 6-satellites into the designated low and high inclination orbits in 2016 and 2018, respectively. The program is expected to facilitate GNSS occultation data for enhanced weather nowcasting/forecasting as well as severe weather monitoring. Finally, Taiwan has actively participated in GNSS conferences and campaigns. Among many others, Taiwan has established and operated one GNSS monitoring station for the IGS (International GNSS Service). The National Cheng Kung University has also participated in the multi-GNSS demonstration campaign as well as the APEC GNSS testbed project.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)247-250
Number of pages4
JournalProceedings of the Institute of Navigation Pacific Positioning, Navigation and Timing Meeting, Pacific PNT
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventInstitute of Navigation Pacific Positioning, Navigation and Timing Meeting, PACIFIC PNT 2013 - Honolulu, United States
Duration: 2013 Apr 222013 Apr 25

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Transportation
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Computer Science Applications


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