Hydrothermally synthesized RuO 2/Carbon nanofibers composites for use in high-rate supercapacitor electrodes

Chih Ming Chuang, Cheng Wei Huang, Hsisheng Teng, Jyh Ming Ting

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

71 Citations (Scopus)


A conventional hydrothermal deposition process is used to graft ruthenium oxide (RuO 2) nanoparticles onto carbon nanofibers (CNFs). The obtained RuO 2 nanoparticles have an average diameter of 2nm and are homogenously distributed on the CNF surfaces. Supercapacitors are fabricated using the resulting RuO 2 grafted CNFs nanocomposite as the electrodes. The existence of CNFs leads to reduced contact resistance among the RuO 2 nanoparticles and provides a network for fast electron transport, which then contributes to enhanced electrochemical performance. The enhancement is proportional to the RuO 2 content and can be as high as 638% at a high sweep rate of 200mVs -1, at which a capacitance is 155Fg -1. Stability of the RuO 2-grafted CNF capacitor is also demonstrated by subjecting the capacitor to a potential sweep at 500mVs -1 for 1000 cycles. Furthermore, the RuO 2 grafted CNF capacitor exhibits a very short relaxation time of 0.17s, which is desirable for high rate charge and discharge.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1524-1529
Number of pages6
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 2012 Aug 22

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Ceramics and Composites
  • General Engineering


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