Ion Kinetic Effect on the Low-n Toroidal Modes in Compact Torus Plasmas

Eiichirou Kawamori, Takashi Sumikawa, Takuro Igarashi, Yasushi Ono

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Ion kinetic effect on the low-n toroidal modes in Compact Torus (CT) plasmas such as Spherical Tokamak (ST), spheromak, Field-Reversed-Configuration and compact Reversed-Field-Pinch (RFP), was investigated by using different ion species. The experimental result that indicates ion kinetic stabilization of the low-n modes was obtained in the low q95 regime. It was clearly shown that the n=1 mode was stabilized in the FRC under the low S regime (S: averaged number of ion skin depth). The suppression of the n=2 mode activity in the low S RFP plasma was also observed. In the high q95(~ 4) ST regime, all low-n (1~4) toroidal modes were stable in the both cases of the high S and low S.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)915-920
Number of pages6
JournalIEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2004

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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