Mechanical metamaterials for wave-based SHM and vibration isolation

Rui Zhu, Guoliang Huang, Fuh Gwo Yuan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


In this chapter, a surface-bonded mechanical metamaterial (MMM) array is first designed to focus ultrasonic Lamb waves and increase signal-to-noise ratio for improved damage detection ability in an aluminum plate. Then, an attachable MMM is proposed based on kirigami technique for the directional flexural wave propagation and the attachable elastic hyperlens which offers superresolution possibility for small damage detection. Finally, a chiral-lattice-based MMM beam with multiple local resonators is numerically and experimentally studied for the broadband vibration suppression, which demonstrates the great potential of MMM in low-frequency vibration control of lightweight engineering structures.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStructural Health Monitoring/Management (SHM) in Aerospace Structures
Number of pages36
ISBN (Electronic)9780443154768
ISBN (Print)9780443191497
Publication statusPublished - 2024 Jan 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering
  • General Materials Science

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