Method and apparatus for conducting film coating on surface of spinning circular workpiece under action of gas pressure, and nozzle utilized in the same

Yung-Chun Lee (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


This invention relates to a method for conducting film coating on the surface of spinning circular workpiece under action of gas pressure, and nozzle utilized in the same. Circular workpiece to be coated is held on a rotating mechanism, and a feedstock loading machine having a nozzle, which is capable of guiding redundant feedstock and overflowing in a specific direction, is set to have a 100μm gap with the circular workpiece. When the rotating mechanism is rotated, the polymer solution is precoated on the surface of the circular workpiece, and when gas valve is opened, the polymer solution is squeezed to a predetermined thickness by an annular high pressure gas-stream formed on the periphery of a cylinder, produced from the high pressure gas released.
Translated title of the contribution氣壓旋轉式圓形工作件表面薄膜塗佈
Original languageEnglish
Patent number8617658
Publication statusPublished - 1800


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