Method for modification of glass-based microchannel

Shu-Hui Chen (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for modification of glass-based microchannels, which uses liquid organic-based solution containing siloxane for the modification of microchannels on the glass substrate, such as quartz, boron glass, sodium glass, and the like, to form a solid film to isolate the glass surface of the microchannels from the environment. Therefore, the present invention can be applied for electrophoresis experiment, so that the operation causes no electrical-double-layer effects, and further eliminates the occurrence of electro-osmosis flow, thus the separation efficiency of electrophoresis chips is improved.
Translated title of the contribution玻璃微管道表面之處理方法
Original languageEnglish
Patent number7488516
Publication statusPublished - 2004 Jul 29


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