Recent Advances in the Inverted Planar Structure of Perovskite Solar Cells

Lei Meng, Jingbi You, Tzung Fang Guo, Yang Yang

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601 Citations (Scopus)


ConspectusInorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells research could be traced back to 2009, and initially showed 3.8% efficiency. After 6 years of efforts, the efficiency has been pushed to 20.1%. The pace of development was much faster than that of any type of solar cell technology. In addition to high efficiency, the device fabrication is a low-cost solution process. Due to these advantages, a large number of scientists have been immersed into this promising area. In the past 6 years, much of the research on perovskite solar cells has been focused on planar and mesoporous device structures employing an n-type TiO2 layer as the bottom electron transport layer. These architectures have achieved champion device efficiencies. However, they still possess unwanted features. Mesoporous structures require a high temperature (>450 °C) sintering process for the TiO2 scaffold, which will increase the cost and also not be compatible with flexible substrates. While the planar structures based on TiO2 (regular structure) usually suffer from a large degree of J-V hysteresis.Recently, another emerging structure, referred to as an inverted planar device structure (i.e., p-i-n), uses p-type and n-type materials as bottom and top charge transport layers, respectively. This structure derived from organic solar cells, and the charge transport layers used in organic photovoltaics were successfully transferred into perovskite solar cells. The p-i-n structure of perovskite solar cells has shown efficiencies as high as 18%, lower temperature processing, flexibility, and, furthermore, negligible J-V hysteresis effects. In this Account, we will provide a comprehensive comparison of the mesoporous and planar structures, and also the regular and inverted of planar structures. Later, we will focus the discussion on the development of the inverted planar structure of perovskite solar cells, including film growth, band alignment, stability, and hysteresis. In the film growth part, several methods for obtaining high quality perovskite films are reviewed. In the interface engineering parts, the effect of hole transport layer on subsequent perovskite film growth and their interface band alignment, and also the effect of electron transport layers on charge transport and interface contact will be discussed. As concerns stability, the role of charge transport layers especially the top electron transport layer in the devices stability will be concluded. In the hysteresis part, possible reasons for hysteresis free in inverted planar structure are provided. At the end of this Account, future development and possible solutions to the remaining challenges facing the commercialization of perovskite solar cells are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-165
Number of pages11
JournalAccounts of Chemical Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016 Jan 19

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry


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