Rectal perforation following endorectal prostate MRI: An unexpected complication

I. Hsu, Chia Chen Lee, Ming Jenn Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Prostate cancer is a common cancer among men in developed countries. Prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely employed for early diagnosis of prostate cancer and recommending a treatment plan. The incidence of rectal perforation during endorectal prostate MRI is rare and has never been reported before. Herein, we present a case of rectal perforation after a prostate MRI examination that was subjected to emergency surgical intervention because of the acute presentation of generalized peritonitis. Patients with systemic comorbidities are reportedly at greater risks of encountering colonoscopic perforation. Endorectal prostate MRI is a safe diagnostic modality, but inadequate lubrication of the endorectal coil or over-insufflation of the balloon during the procedure may also lead to serious complications such as hollow organ perforation. Early surgery will be necessary should peritoneal symptoms persist. Case presentation: In 2015, a 56-year-old man came to our ER due to acute abdominal pain after he finished his MRI exam. The exam indicated diffuse tenderness over his abdomen and at the ER, his abdominal CT (computerized tomography) was checked. The images revealed extraluminal air in the perirectal fat and the pneumoperitoneum. In response, exploratory laparotomy, simple closure of rectal perforation, and loop-S colostomy were performed and the patient was discharged 1 month after operation. Conclusions: Prostate MRI is a secure procedure with few complications. Clinicians must keep in mind the possibility of perforation when using ultrasound probe. Hollow organ perforation can result in serious morbidity or death. As a result, patients need to be informed of the complications of prostate MRI. When performing the procedure, clinicians must be cautioned about the potential problems for patients with high-anesthetic risk.

Original languageEnglish
Article number28
JournalBMC Urology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020 Mar 17

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Urology


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