Rich Quasiparticle Properties in Layered Graphene-related Systems

Chiun Yan Lin, Ching Hong Ho, Hsien Ching Chung, Lu Yao Wang, Chih Wei Chiu, Min-Fa Lin

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This comprehensive book delves into the fascinating world of quasiparticle properties of graphene-related materials. The authors thoroughly explore the intricate effects of intrinsic and extrinsic interactions on the material’s properties, while unifying the single-particle and many-particle properties through the development of a theoretical framework. The book covers a wide range of research topics, including long-range Coulomb interactions, dynamic charge density waves, Friedel oscillations and plasmon excitations, as well as optical reflection and transmission spectra of thin films. Also it highlights the crucial roles of inelastic Coulomb scattering and optical scattering in the quasiparticle properties of layered systems, and the impact of crystal symmetry, number of layers, and stacking configuration on their uniqueness. Furthermore, the authors explore the topological properties of quasiparticles, including 2D time-reversal-symmetry protected topological insulators with quantum spin Hall effect, and rhombohedral graphite with Dirac nodal lines. Meanwhile, the book examines the gate potential application for creating topological localized states and shows topological invariants of 2D Dirac fermions, and binary Z2 topological invariants under chiral symmetry. The calculated results are consistent with the present experimental observations, establishing it as a valuable resource for individuals interested in the quasiparticle properties of novel materials.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Co.
Number of pages415
ISBN (Electronic)9789811277795
ISBN (Print)9789811277788
Publication statusPublished - 2023 Jan 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • General Engineering
  • General Physics and Astronomy

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