Spectroscopically tracing the reactions of octahydridosilsesquioxane (H8Si8O12) with organic molecules

Ching Wen Chen, Pei Yu Chao, Yu Yin Chung, You Zhen Wu, Jong Liang Lin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This article studies the reactions and mechanisms of H8Si8O12 (T8H8) molecules with n-propanol, acetone, allyl alcohol, n-butylamine, allylamine, acetic acid, and 1-octene in air, at room temperature, and without catalysts. The reaction between T8H8 and n-propanol involves both the highly polarized Si-O and Si-H bonds and results in cage breakage and forming Q4 and Q3 structures with -OC3H7 in the reaction product. T8H8 also reacts with acetone, and the resultant product possesses Si-OCH(CH3)2. Allyl alcohol is less reactive to cause T8H8 decomposition, and the resultant product contains Si-OCH2CH-CH2 and Si-OCH2(CH2)3CH-CH2. However, it is found that basically T8H8 does not react with acetic acid and 1-octene. In the reactions of T8H8 with n-butylamine and allylamine, the resultant products contain Si-NH(CH2)3CH3 and Si-NHCH2CH-CH2, respectively. For the reaction with T8H8, allylamine is less active than n-butylamine. Possible mechanisms for the T8H8 reactions are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)711-719
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the Chinese Chemical Society
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020 May 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry


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