Stability analysis of hsien-du-shan rock slope during the earthquakes

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2 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, the impacts of the Chi-Chi Earthquake (1999) and the Heng-Chun Earthquake (2006) to the stability of the Hsien-du-shan rock avalanche slope in Taiwan are investigated. The residual shear strength parameters of the sliding surface with high water content are c=0.0 and Φ?=24.3° using direct shear tests. In addition, the stress paths of the sliding surface calculated based on the simplified physical model with the impacts of both earthquakes are below the failure envelope. Therefore, this study validated that the Hsien-du-shan slope was stable during the Chi-Chi Earthquake and the Heng-Chun Earthquake.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-10
Number of pages7
JournalDisaster Advances
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2013 Oct

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)


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