Σ-Scan : A Mobile Beacon-Assisted Localization Path Planning Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • 鄭 文達

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


There are already several applications of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) used in different professional fields such as environmental surveillance industrial control health management traffic control military application and Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) Having accurate localization information is one of the most essential condition in WSN Although Global Positioning System (GPS) has been the most common way to localize any equipment however there are lots of scenarios being unable to work properly with GPS such as indoor areas and sheltered environments; moreover due to the cost of GPS it is not realistic to use GPS under the architecture of WSN which usually has hundreds of thousands of sensors waiting to be localized As a result the architecture of mobile beacon was proposed to solve these problem A mobile beacon is a beacon having the ability to travel around and with specific path and broadcast positions also known as keys a mobile beacon can assist sensors receiving its packages to localize themselves Nevertheless there are problems to be solved; one is where a mobile beacon should broadcast localization packages another is how to travel through these keys and the other is how to achieve higher localization accuracy higher coverage and less collinearity problems The path planning for mobile beacon in early time focuses on the shortest path length and the lowest number of keys to reach power efficiency As time goes by more and more path planning chasing for high accuracy are proposed However there is still not a good balance point for a trade-off between power efficiency and high localization accuracy Hence the method proposed in this paper: Σ-Scan aims to reach as high accuracy as other recent methods and as short as possible to reach shortest path length Σ-Scan will use Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) as our ranging technique and trilateration as our localization algorithm As the simulation results showed in section 4 Σ-Scan can reach high accuracy high coverage low collinearity problems shorter path length and less number of keys at the same time Σ-Scan can be applied in any obstacle-free 2D rectangular area so far In the future we aim to reduce the limitation of Σ-Scan so that Σ-Scan can fit in more irregular areas
Date of Award2016 Nov 23
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorPei-Hsuan Tsai (Supervisor)

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