
Translated title of the thesis: The Roles Played by Urban Design Reviewers from the Perspective of Communicative Rationality - A Case Study in Tainan
  • 張 智堯

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In the past, academic research mainly focused on design guidelines and explored whether the design review implemented the design guidelines. This thesis takes urban design review as a dynamic process. It considers the role of reviewers as active participants to influence the design review system and the advancement of design guidelines.
This research explores the urban design deliberation process from the perspective of communicative rationality. It takes Tainan City as the study area to examine the roles of participants in the deliberation process. Applications and review committees within the six-year time frame from 2014 to 2020 are examined to understand the dynamics of the review process. Methods of study include interviews with urban design reviewers and public sector representatives and document analysis of the meeting notes.
We find that (1) Four roles are played in the review process: advocate, reviewers, passive facilitators, and active facilitators. Participants with different positions and backgrounds in the review process will also play their roles in various ways to advance the deliberation process. (2) The results of negotiation and the discussion of deliberation opinions during the deliberation process will affect the outcome of resolution and even affect the formulation of the design guidelines. (3) Because of the differences in the participants' powers, responsibilities, and backgrounds, the effects of their comments in resolution are not the same. Sometimes the lack of time for negotiation may lead participants to believe that the result is a compromise.
This research suggests applications can be organized according to their attributes based on the deliberation experience of reviewees in the past. Regarding the review system, cases entering the Urban Design Review Committee can be further classified or conduct a joint review with the Comprehensive Design committee with the Department of Building to improve the review efficiency.
Date of Award2022
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
SupervisorHsiu-Tzu Chang (Supervisor)

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