
Translated title of the thesis: Exposure assessment of vinyl chloride monomer for workers in vinyl chloride manufacturing and using plants
  • 許 峻瑋

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


氯乙烯單體 (Vinyl Chloride Monomer VCM)為聚氯乙烯 (Polyvinyl chloride PVC)製造的主要原料,流行病學研究指出VCM過量暴露可能與肝血管肉瘤和肝細胞癌有關,國際癌症研究署 (International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC)及美國環保署 (United States Environmental Protection Agency US EPA)皆將其歸為人類的確定致癌物質。藥物動力學資料顯示,VCM在人體中的主要代謝產物為Thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA),暴露經過12~20小時後,可觀察到尿液中TDGA之最高濃度值。職業暴露評估研究調查發現,尿液中TDGA可反映高濃度VCM之暴露實態,且尿液中的TDGA濃度隨著VCM暴露濃度上升而增加,達統計上之顯著相關 (r2=0 65 p
Date of Award2014 Aug 7
Original languageChinese
SupervisorChing-Chang Lee (Supervisor)

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