5G Network Slice Snapshot System

  • 黃 河

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Network Slicing is a kind of virtual network which nearly similar to Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) It provides network service by the various network component It is also similar to VLAN so it can contain a mix of the virtual machine and physical computer Inside network slicing the service components are mainly Virtual Network Functions (VNF) Every system has errors small or big network slicing is not excluded In a network environment there are multiple network slices serve different purposes users One of network slice may get failed has some suspicious errors but it will not affect another network slice the system still working normally In order to solve the network slice error problem in this thesis we present a Network Slicing Snapshot system for 5G networking environments It has three main parts which are Fault Detection Adaptive Backup and Recovery This system can monitor errors which happen on network slices predicts if in a short time a significant error will occur on network slice which may causing an abnormal operation or not and create a snapshot on each checkpoint allow administrator restore faulty network slice from the closet snapshot that available
Date of Award2019
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorSheng-Tzong Cheng (Supervisor)

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