A Collaborative Trustworthiness Validation Model for Social Elements in Domain-Specific Community

  • 鄭 仲翔

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Collaboration among participants becomes a focus of researches in IoT and social network Based on collaboration a positive cycle that attracts participants motivates interaction builds trust benefits participants and create profits continuously is formed Social participants can be benefited from collaboratopn Since collaboration among participants depends on trust participants should be able to trust one another and other's creations Existing systems rely on administrators to validate social elements to maintain trust Manual validation cannot efficiently deal with reports and maintain trust among participants Thus a collaborative trustworthiness validation model (CTVM) is proposed to compute trustworthiness of participants along with their creations (i e comments and ratings) and build trust CTVM classifies participants into four levels Participants with higher trustworthiness are classified to higher levels High-level participants are entrusted with more activity quota than low-level participants Thus higher level participants can contribute more to community Two simulation tasks in the viewpoint of community and individual participant are adopted to verify effectiveness of CTVM In community viewpoint percentage of good comments and ratings continuously increase By comparison with a baseline model CTVM also outperforms it in percentage of comments and ratings In participant viewpoint good participants and bad participants can both maintain themselves at high level and low level respectively As good participants turn into bad participants her level drop dramatically It takes her more positive behavior to turn back to high level CTVM is expected to foster trust inside social media and IoT and facilitate their evolution Therefore community self-governance and sustainability can be achieved
Date of Award2016 Aug 31
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorHewijin-Christine Jiau (Supervisor)

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