A cyber-physical and automatic grading system for microcontroller applications course

  • 郭 春暉

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Microcontroller Unit (MCU) teaching is popular and required in many engineering major especially in Computer Science In the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University Microcontroller Application Course is required for all undergraduate students Commonly there are more than 150 students each academic year our Teaching Assistants also need to check the result and give the grade for each student every homework while the time and human resource is limited We suggest using one embedded board to catch the homework result and send back to one server that check the result and show the interface animation to student We prefer to use browser with HTML5 (or above) as the interface application We choose Web Socket (RFC 6455) protocol to transfer result data between client and server This is technology support full-duplex transferring between server and browser without any plug-in This technology is suitable to use in this system In this Cyber-physical system we use a TI Launchpad MSP-EXP430F5539LP as practical board in our microcontroller unit course Additional we use Arduino Y?n board as a signal capturing and controlling device it have built-in Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces so that it could transfer data with server over internet
Date of Award2016 Feb 18
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChung-Ping Young (Supervisor)

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