A Novel Algorithm for Classifying Protein Specific Residue Structures Using the Graph Mining Approach

  • 楊 宗穎

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Protein structural classification is an important problem in bioinformatics In this paper we utilize a simple and connected graph to represent a protein three-dimensional structure in which each node represents an amino acid and each edge represents a contact distance between two amino acids We then use the B-factor (atomic displacement parameters) to significantly reduce the number of nodes and edges in each graph representation We apply a graph mining approach to find critical subgraphs among these graphs which can be applied to classify protein structural families We have conducted an experimental study in which marking characteristic substructural patterns were identified in several protein families in the SCOP database
Date of Award2014 Aug 22
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorSun-Yuan Hsieh (Supervisor)

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