A study of affection among different DIY levels

  • 莊 晶雯

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In today's consumer market consumers do not just care about functional requirements; emotional satisfaction is the key to why consumers buy some products More and more consumers buy DIY (Do It Yourself) products or participate in product production Past research indicates that labor does not reduce consumers' product preferences in contrast consumers love DIY products more and they are willing to spend more money to buy those products The different DIY levels have different affective reactions but little is known about this Therefore in the study we use questionnaires and interview the participants to understand the emotional differences of DIY involvement Wood products are the most common DIY products so we use them to analyze consumers' emotional experience DIY levels are divided into three grades: Assembly Production and Design & Production There were two stages of experiment in this research The first stage was a questionnaire; the study used the 9-point Likert scale to measure preference In the second stage each group interviewed five participants to understand how those affective experiences of DIY activities affect the affective response of actual use The interview data was then analyzed by open coding and axial coding In the open coding stage there are two dimensions: Users and Object Through an analysis of axial coding the experience affective model involves 11 phenomena The study also found that assembled products' preferences disappeared with time but Production and Design & Production's preferences could be maintained It showed that experience does not always improve preferences The study also summarized seven factors from the interviews hoping to provide some references for product design or experience design and to make future designs closer to the consumer demand
Date of Award2016 Feb 18
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChun-Heng Ho (Supervisor)

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