A study of gaming mouse attractiveness factors from the high involvement gamers

  • 莊 雅筑

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


There are more than 300 million gamers in the world nowadays; therefore the need for gaming products is emerging in the electronic sports industry The growth of gaming products increases by 10% every year and the market scale is more than 60 billion USD and keep growing Besides new techniques and functionalities the color and unique appearance of gaming products are also the reason why gamers would like it However the consumer electronics is keeping advancing while the life cycle is short To know what is the crucial design elements for the gaming communities the pre-experiment result of this research reveals that besides functionality and price the appearance is the another key factor to influence highly-involved gamers when they choose which gaming products to buy Since the functionalities and specifications among gaming products are similar the appearance of gaming product is relatively important Using images as our media and the Evaluation Grid Method we interviewed 10 e-sports gamers with high involvement who had purchased e-sports products Through analysis surveys and statistical calculations we by stage discussed and extracted these gamers’ perceived attractive attributes of gaming mice The five attractive attributes that allowed gaming mice to attract gamers with high involvement were in a descending order “enhanced vanity ” “unique novelty ” “comfort and durability ” “a sense of solidness ” and “professionalism ” “Special texture” could increases enhanced vanity Gaming mice should be eye-catching and attractive to fuel the vanity and the sense of uniqueness of consumers To provide consumers with a sense of solidness a portion of rubber should be added to the asymmetric ergonomic design Moreover a precise wheel design coupled with an appropriate number of macro buttons could add the value felt by the consumers who purchase the gaming mouse Finally by discussing the attractive attributes of gaming mice the results are expected to serve as a reference for the academic circle or the industry Consequently the designed products can better meet the expectation and demand of consumers
Date of Award2014 Aug 7
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChun-Heng Ho (Supervisor)

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