An Integrated Model for Continued Online Banking Services Usage Intention: System Usability and System Trust Perspective

  • 簡 瑞霖

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The high availability of Internet technology has facilitated the presence of various Internet-based services such as online travel services online shopping online auctions online financial service and so forth Owing to the development of Hi-Tech asynchronous technologies and secured electronic transaction technologies most banks have come forward to use online banking systems as an effective medium for transacting business and communicating messages about products and services Online banking can be considered as one of the most prominent examples of the application of Internet technology in transaction-based e-service The pervasiveness of the Internet enables individuals to perform various financial activities regardless the spatial and temporal limitations through online banking services (OBSs) systems The author describes the research motivations regarding undertaking the study of this dissertation from academic and practical viewpoints respectively In terms of academic motivation several theoretical perspectives have though been developed and proposed in an attempt to explore and understand what affects users’ information system continuance usage intention comparatively little effort has however been devoted so far to research concerned with the continued usage of OBSs The academic motivation of present investigation is aims to fill this research gap As for the practical motivation customers’ continued use is considered to be a better measurement for evaluating the implementation of a certain technology From relationship marketing management perspective encouraging existing users continue their usage for extended periods of time is a necessary strategic weapon for sustaining a firm’s competitive advantage in its markets and for increasing the value of a firm’s market assets During the past years most OBSs practitioners have invested a considerable amount of available resources and incentives into the expansion of customer base thus attempting to contribute to their competitive advantages and financial performance In practice however there is more or less gap between the resources invested and the potential economic benefits achieved One plausible reason that can be suggested for this phenomenon is that there is a negative disconfirmation between users’ pre-adoption expectations and perceived performance after their prior usage experience These motivate the author to develop following four probing questions in order to facilitate problem analysis 1 What are the important ingredients of system usability and how they affect jointly users’ intention to continue using OBSs? 2 What are the main factors of system trust and how they influence collectively users’ intention to continue to use OBSs? 3 What factors determining users’ satisfaction level with OBSs? 4 Whether and how the users’ satisfaction level impacts their continuance intention of using OBSs? The proposed hypotheses were first tested empirically with a field survey involving 341 current individual OBSs users from seven domestic bank branches in Taiwan by using LISREL 8 50 statistical software The major empirical results are presents as follows 1 User satisfaction exerts a significant positive impact on continuous usage intention denoting that the more satisfied the users are with OBSs the more likely the users will continue to use the services 2 User satisfaction level with the OBSs was determined primarily by his/her post-adoption perceptions about the usefulness of the services 3 Of all the proposed antecedents of continuous usage intention PU is the most predominant factor in determining users’ continued OBSs usage intention 4 PEOU displayed less association with continuous usage intention meaning that the “ease of use” may no longer be the customers’ primary concern in making their decisions about continued or discontinued OBSs usage PEOU however has a significant positive total effect on continuous usage intention signifying that the role of PEOU in facilitating customers’ continued OBSs usage intention should not be underestimated or even neglected 5 The effect of PU on user satisfaction is heavily higher than that of PEOU suggesting that the customers are likely to place more weight upon the efficiency of the OBSs system in their satisfaction judgment 6 Both PU and PEOU were influenced significantly by perceived compatibility This result further demonstrates the necessity of considering the perceived compatibility in the research of users’ continued OBSs usage intention 7 System trust has a significant positive influence on PU and PEOU implicating that the users will more likely to perceive the OBSs as useful and easy to use if the OBSs setting was perceived to be trustworthy 8 System trust was affected positively and significantly by situational normality and structural assurance meaning that high perception regarding situational normality and structural assurance will lead to increased trust in OBSs setting Furthermore a multi-group analysis on two subsamples according to their OBSs usage experience and frequency revealed that there are different concerns and priorities between skilled users group and less skilled users group Give that the sample of this research is collected from a particular industry in Taiwan the generalizability of the finding may be limited However the comprehensiveness and representativeness of the research sample used for empirical investigation is a major strength of this research
Date of Award2014 Aug 5
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorHuei-Ting Tsai (Supervisor)

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