Arbitrated Quantum Signature Based On Quantum Teleportation And Its Applications

  • 蔡 尚倫

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Signature has a variety of applications in our daily life for instance e-payment inter-bank e-transaction e-auction and e-voting Digital signature protocols nowadays are designed based on asymmetric-key system whose security is based on the complexity of mathematical calculations such as discrete logarithm and prime factorization However in 1994 Peter Shor designed a quantum algorithm to resolve the prime factorization problem in polynomial time Therefore under the threat of quantum computer the asymmetric-key system nowadays is not secure anymore Based on the laws of fundamental quantum-mechanism such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the quantum no-cloning theorem quantum cryptography provides unconditional security for communication Recently quantum cryptography has been widely used to design signature protocols and their applications such as quantum blind signature quantum proxy signature quantum proxy blind signature quantum anonymous voting system etc However existing quantum signature schemes and their applications still have some security issues This thesis points out the potential security issues in existing quantum blind signature schemes quantum proxy blind signature schemes and quantum anonymous voting systems individually In order to resolve these issues this thesis proposes two arbitrated quantum signature based on quantum teleportation and further proposes an arbitrated quantum blind signature an arbitrated quantum proxy blind signature and an arbitrated quantum anonymous voting system based on the proposed schemes respectively
Date of Award2016 Aug 30
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorTzone-Lih Hwang (Supervisor)

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