PHOENIX is a CubeSat developed by National Cheng Kung University Taiwan which is the only satellite from Taiwan participating in the European QB50 project The QB50 project aims to perform in-situ measurements in the lower thermosphere Two main payloads carried in this satellite are Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and Solar EUV Sensors This master thesis describes the design implementation and testing of Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) for PHOENIX CubeSat Various estimation methods and controller designs are presented in this thesis The proper combination of estimators and controllers are chosen based on the simulation results using MATLAB/Simulink to meet the project needs and requirements After finishing the design the ADCS algorithm is implemented into ADCS flight software which is a part of the overall PHOENIX flight software ADCS flight software is divided into two parts which are the ADCS flight software utilized in the ADCS board and ADCS task implemented in PHOENIX On-Board Data Handling (OBDH) board The second one will be the main focus in this thesis since it is not possible to modify the ADCS flight software in the ADCS board Finally the hardware components of ADCS module especially the sensors and actuators are checked and tested to ensure their health and satisfactory performance in-orbit The ADCS flight software is also tested to confirm that all the functions written there can work properly for the whole satellite mission All of these efforts are done in order to prepare PHOENIX for launch which is scheduled in 2016/2017 together with other QB50 satellites
Date of Award | 2015 Aug 20 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | Jyh-Chin Juang (Supervisor) |
Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem for PHOENIX CubeSat: Design Implementation and Testing
美好, 陳. (Author). 2015 Aug 20
Student thesis: Master's Thesis