Augmented Reality Interaction Model in Educational Applications

  • 蘇 俊欽

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


With advanced information technologies widely embedded into learning environment the learning experience has been augmented Amongst these digital trends children learn how to present their creative ideas and collaborate with peers using supportive hardware and software Augmented Reality (AR) a novel interface technology combines both interactive and realistic renderings which better introduce narrative content and support the impressive fusion of boundaries between real and virtual worlds AR unveils the potential on creating rich and fantastical learning environments Many of AR’s educational implications are designed based on the learning content and the subjects of interactive instructions; for example how AR’s medium features provided effectively guide the learning process visualizing the invisible objects or chemical reactions through interactive instructions However there has been lacked of a methodical design framework providing to the system developers as the references of thinking This study proposes a framework of AR’s interactive model The interactive model re-defines the operational interface which combines the existing meaning of the tangible objects and the coincidence of the virtual information from the users’ perspective through their operations and their knowledge upon the objects in the AR interactive interface The model will be contributed as a reference to the development of AR’s educational implication system Apart from the interactive concepts of AR and TUI in the operation of AR environments the physical objects’ physical properties are also kept; such as the size of the object This aims to build the connection of the physical properties these physical objects have in the real world The model makes a definition of the physical object which serves as an AR interface including functional representation physical representation and symbolic representation In this study the research introduces current AR education applications based on mentioned interaction framework In those examples which adopt from the idea of Tangible Augmented Reality the interaction based on the three perspectives; functional representation physical representation and symbolic representation where the definition of tangible objects was extended in AR environment On the definition of manipulation it endures manipulation interaction through symbol comparison physical attributes comparison and angle or position of the card object Those applications address the assistance AR provides to users on the learning of interface manipulation or abstract contents In the future developments of AR As the development of the image recognition and relevant technologies evolve AR builds a tighter connection between the learners and the implication system with its virtual information provided The boundary between the real world and the virtual coincidence of information has been blurred AR integrates the user’s manipulation of the environment more closely than the previous AR applications More diverse manipulation methods are provided as well such as determining the gestures of the hand Augmented information will be displayed differently on physical objects depending on the context of the manipulation and provides corresponding manipulation and interface The interaction discipline provided by this study acts as a reference for the development of educational applications
Date of Award2015 Sept 8
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChien-Hsu Chen (Supervisor)

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