People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a reduced ability to understand the emotions of other people; this ability involves recognizing facial expressions and other nonverbal social cues Evidence shows that adolescents with ASD miss out on nonverbal cues to social interaction which leads to difficultly understanding and appropriately responding to other people Therefore in this research we created a different visual strategy would improve the focus that adolescents with ASD have on the facial expressions and other nonverbal social cues of other people and help them understand their emotions and intentions to appropriately respond to others in social situations This dissertation aims to examine (a) how to attract the attention of adolescents with ASD to the nonverbal cues that help most people socially interact with others; (b) how to train adolescents with ASD to understand their own emotional expressions and those of others to promote their social skills; (c) Help them to construct the information on the stable visual contents and imagine the emotional situation to pretend appropriate facial expressions (d) Promote their social emotional judgment ability In addition related works were surveyed and given precise commentaries in four studies In the first study we retrieved social signals from commercials to create stop motion videos (SMVs) to make training materials that contain sequences of nonverbal social cues to support this visual method We reviewed the differences in judgment data from adolescents with ASD (4 boys 2 girls) after they had viewed two types of advertising videos: Video-Based Advertising (VBA) and SMVs The results indicated that SMV materials offered structured and specific social signals of close-up images for adolescents with ASD helping raise their levels of perceptions judgment and situation comprehension Furthermore we confirmed that the non-verbal social cues in the video can effectively improve social emotional and situational awareness for ASD In the Cliplets-Based Video (CBV) study we are more interested in the dynamic and static visual design that can increase the focus of adolescents with ASD's attention on only a part of the image We found that using static or fragmented images is too limited and not ecologically valid Dynamic videos are advantageous but adolescents with ASD have trouble focusing their attention on these materials Microsoft Cliplets provides a halfway point: it allows animation of a specific element and concomitantly permits all of the surrounding elements be static and not distracting Therefore we used software technology that allows for the easy creation of half-static and half-dynamic video materials to attract the attention of adolescents with ASD to nonverbal facial cues to teach them the six basic facial expressions in typical social situations We recruited new participants through the Taiwan Autism Association six adolescents (4 boys 2 girls) with ASD and used a multiple baseline design across participants This interventional learning system provided a simple yet effective way for adolescents with ASD to select and focus on the important nonverbal facial cues related to social situations Furthermore in the augmented reality (AR)-based video modeling (VM) storybook (ARVMS) study we hoped to increase the motivation of the adolescents and to strengthen their attention to the story event on the screen To accomplish this we recruited more new participants (5 boys 1 girl) for the ARVMS study and used a method that included an ARVMS that created a layer between a tangible book and virtual dynamic video clips In this research AR has multiple functions: it extends the social features of the story and it also restricts attention to the most important parts of the videos After three phases (baseline intervention and maintenance) of test data had been collected the results showed that ARVMS intervention provided an augmented visual indicator which had effectively attracted and maintained the attention of adolescents with ASD to nonverbal social cues and helped them better understand the facial expressions and emotions of the storybook characters Finally this study Augmented-Reality-Based Self-Facial Modeling Learning System (ARSFM) focus on the linkage between the specific facial expressions and corresponding social events related through the participants’ own three-dimensional (3D) facial expressions so that they can learn from their own point of view to mirror facial expressions of different mood states and to promote the development of the appropriate corresponding emotional expression and compare them with the expressions of others The AR system provided 3D animations of six basic facial expressions overlaid on the participants’ faces; we recruited new participants (2 boys 1 girl) to facilitate practicing emotional judgments and social skills Based on the multiple baseline design across subjects we found that AR intervention improved the appropriate recognition and response to facial emotional expressions seen in the situational task In this research the findings of these descriptive and correlational four studies allowed the researcher to understand how to use this visual strategy to help adolescents with ASD construct their visual structure and improve their ability to recognize the emotional expressions in social situations We carefully describe our results in the following chapters We used this visual strategy to push adolescents with ASD as our design partners and testers by associating the ideas and feelings of the characters in the scenario settings that we created We hypothesized that this would positively affect the ability of adolescents with ASD to take advantage of visual cues in the situations that depend on shifting attention to nonverbal social cues Based on this hypothesis we verified that the adolescents with ASD would improve their social skills
Date of Award | 2015 Nov 17 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | Chien-Hsu Chen (Supervisor) |
Augmented Reality Technology for Promoting the Emotional Expression and Social Skills of Adolescents with Autism
易叡, 李. (Author). 2015 Nov 17
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis