Bond Performance between Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Strength Steel using Pull-out tests

  • 沙 瓦瑪

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is an advanced cementitious material which has enhanced mechanical characteristics: 1) ultra-high compressive strength (exceeding 100 MPa) 2) high durability 3) high tensile strength 4) low drying shrinkage and low permeability With these superior material properties the Ultra-high-performance concrete provide an improved and innovative way to design high-rise building and long-span bridges Several experimental results indicated that the inclusion of steel fibers in UHPC increased the bond strength between UHPC and reinforcing bars In addition inclusion of steel fibers controls the sudden crack propagation and changes the mode of bond failure from brittle to ductile In this study the interaction between UHPC and the HSS rebars have been studied
Date of Award2021
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChung-Chan Hung (Supervisor)

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