In the past Taiwan's spatial planning has focused on the development of urban areas and overlooked rural areas The rural strategy was only regulations on land use control rather than the integrated development plan "National Spatial Plan" is an opportunity for the regeneration and transformation of rural areas which states the goals of sustainable land management and promoting "Planning of Rural Area" Since it is becoming important to form a new spatial structure in Taiwan this study examines from a regional perspective with a focus on the development characteristics of the rural areas of Yunlin & Chiayi Consequently this study aims to classify rural areas by the approach of rural typology in terms of their dimensions of development dynamics economic structure and location The study uses two-step cluster analysis methods to classify rural areas into five types This classification shows the differences in their spatial characteristics along with their development process through the time as well as the relationship between these rural areas and the overall region in which they are situated Those spatial characteristics are also consistent with the spatial autocorrelation analysis result This paper provides a more accurate description and this information will be a useful resource to those who are developing new plans and policies so that better integration can occur between urban and rural planning
Classification of Rural Areas by Development Characteristics in Taiwan: A Case Study of Yunlin & Chiayi
鑫, 楊. (Author). 2020
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis