In this thesis we propose a cross routing and MAC protocol design named Sig-nal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio and Quality-of-Service (SINR-QoS) to provide end-to-end QoS in wireless ad hoc networks The routing part of SINR-QoS is named SINR-QoS-routing (SQ-routing) and the MAC part of SINR-QoS is named SINR-QoS-MAC (SQ-MAC) SINR-QoS is designed based on spatial-reuse time di-vision multiple access (STDMA) SINR-QoS uses SINR as criterion to coordinate the spatial reuse for SINR can precisely reflect the characteristics of physical transmis-sions When a data flow arrives SQ-routing determines a route and assigns time slot data rate and transmit power to each link on the route The assignment is SINR-based and thus requires SINR-related information to coordinate the co-channel interference Hence SQ-MAC is proposed for nodes to acquire and update the SINR-related in-formation SQ-MAC adopts a novel signaling design which can overcome the limita-tion of communication range and requires only simple and slight distributed coordi-nation We also propose an advanced version of SINR-QoS which exploits coopera-tive communication to improve end-to-end QoS under fading environments Simula-tion results show that SINR-QoS series outperform the existing QoS approaches in total end-to-end throughput and reliability
Date of Award | 2015 Aug 14 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | Szu-Lin Su (Supervisor) |
Cross-layer Protocol Design for End-to-end QoS in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
元鈞, 蔡. (Author). 2015 Aug 14
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis