Customized Small-ROV for Underwater Archaeology Photogrammetry

  • 高 翊庭

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Underwater archaeology gradually becomes an important maritime activity in Taiwan and its need for appropriate underwater tools including vehicles and technology becomes an interesting topic for related engineering fields Underwater vehicles can reach the depth that divers hard to approach and can help divers work by their specialized equipment and various instruments Among related technologies ROV is the most accessible due to its mature technology flexibility of design and modification In this research we applied human factor and ergonomic concepts to a ROV control system and user interface design because one important using scenario is when archaeologist could dive or when they want to reduce the risk by reducing diving frequency and/or duration especially in bad weather or danger seas We reveal a self-designed ROV control system by adopting a persona of our user group to fit the requirement of a person who never dives neither drives a vehicle moving in an open area To build the user interface we applied link analyze method to construct a digital control Pad on the screen and a physical console associated to keyboards The traditional user interfaces built for ROV were basically transplanted from aircraft pilot interface which provided detailed information to well-trained operators and unfriendly to inexperienced archeologists The interface described here gives a clear look overall screen while all the vital information was included Photogrammetry plays an important role in the underwater study The ability to reconstruct the seabed geography can help archaeologists do a quick survey on the field and make up the digging plan In 2016 our partner generated the 3-D model of wave-damping area of the towing tank based on a series of pictures taken by a diver In research we regenerate part of the wave damping area based on the ROV’s picture data at the end of this research The design and build of the ROV system start from a conceptual drawing include the frame thrusters and the camera We add more elements in structure thrusters’ arrangement and frame design to keep evolving the ROV system The latest system has upgraded at least two versions We try to reproduce obstacles expected to encounter in the sea as insufficient illustration bad visibility and trapping of tether The test environments include stabilization tank owing tank laboratory and harbor area We leave suggestions for the future developers to keep on evolving the system
Date of Award2017 Aug 29
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorJeng-Horng Chen (Supervisor)

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