Effect Of Isokinetic Eccentric Training On Patients With Lateral Epicondylar Tendinopathy

  • 蔡 維陽

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Lateral epicondylitis is featured by pain at lateral elbow during contraction of wrist extensor such as grip and wrist extension with resistance Few isokinetic eccentric rehabilitation protocols have been promoted for the treatment of tennis elbow Although dynamometers could provide isokinetic eccentric training in patients with chronic tendinitis the effect of isokinetic strength training on muscle strength and performance of functional task has not been widely investigated The purpose of this study was to use a novel dynamometer which provides modulating different wrist posture and angular velocity to train patients with lateral epicondylar tendinopathy This study further determines the training effects of isokinetic eccentric training on patients with lateral epicondylitis through the measurement of muscle activation tendon mechanical properties gripping force isometric and isokinetic force of wrist extensors and muscle force of functional tasks Participants in training group were asked to perform a 4-week strength training with two or three times per week by a custom-designed dynamometer The exercise initially started with submaximal muscle contraction at slow speed The strength training protocol was prescribed with progressively increased intensity of muscle contraction and speed of movement during the period of training Participants in the control group only received regular physical therapy Twenty-one participants were recruited Then they were separated into two groups: one was the control group while the other was training group and the experimental test was measured two times including pre-training and post-training or pre-test and post-test The test includes the measurement of muscle force in isometric and isokinetic force of wrist extensors and force of functional tasks through the dynamometer; meanwhile the measurement of muscle activation through electromyography system tendon mechanical properties with ultrasound apparatus gripping force with Jamar dynamometer The effect of strength training was assessed through measurement of muscle force in isometric and isokinetic contraction of wrist extensors and force of functional tasks muscle activity of forearm muscles tendon mechanical properties and measurement of pain/disability score by questionnaire The results showed that muscle strength increased 8 68% in all isometric conditions and 5 2% in all isokinetic conditions functional task increased 6 5% gripping force increased 2 62% and pain had reduced 47 3% after isokinetic strength training The improvement of muscle strength could lead to reducing the disability status 35 65% The information of current study could provide for clinicians to treat patients with tennis elbow by isokinetic strength training
Date of Award2016 Sept 7
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorFong-chin Su (Supervisor)

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