Experimental study of ignition delay characteristics for conventional and alternative diesel and jet fuels through constant volume combustion chamber

  • 康 莫方

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This study investigated the spray ignition characteristics of petroleum diesel fuel jet fuels (JP-5and Jet-A1) biodiesel hydro-processed renewable jet (HRJ) and hydro-processed renewable diesel (HRD) in a constant volume combustion chamber at low temperature combustion (LTC) The combustion pressures heat release rate cool flame ignition first stage ignition and total ignition delays of these six fuels were compared in term of adjusted chamber pressure form 10 15 and 20 bar and temperature from 600K to 818 K The experimental results were discussed in two different sections for diesel and jet fuels It was found that all the ignition delays profile were shorten exponentially with increasing in chamber temperature HRD fuel was reported to obtain fastest ignition delay compared to diesel and biodiesel Both diesel and biodiesel exhibited a similar value at highest chamber pressure and temperature The maximum amount of carbon double bond in biodiesel exhibited a slower fuel reactivity at the lower chamber temperature Diesel with isomer chain branching had a longer reactivity comparing to HRD which contains mostly normal alkanes The NTC zone was clearly identified in the chamber pressure of 15 bar and its regions were obviously observed for HRD (700-781 K) and diesel/biodiesel (725-818 K) The reactivity order for petroleum and alternative jet fuels was HRJ > Jet-A1 > JP-5 The longer ignition delays for JP-5 was because the higher amount of cyclo-alkanes than that of HRJ and Jet-A1 The first stage ignition delay has seen to be very dependent on the chamber pressure for HRJ JP-5 and Jet-A1 The onset NTC zone was initiated earlier for HRJ fuels (700 K) than that of conventional jet fuels (725 K) The changes on the chamber pressure were found to be sensitive to the formation of NTC zone
Date of Award2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorWei-Cheng Wang (Supervisor)

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