Functional study of DNA translocases during replication stress

  • 洪 于傑

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


ZRANB3 SMARCAL1 and HLTF are translocases that promote fork reversal during replication stress The reversed fork structure not only protect stalled forks from collapse but also contribute to replication slowing during replication stress However it still not clear whether these translocases act alone or work together to respond various types of DNA lesions In this study we tried to deplete two translocases by generating HLTF SMARCAL1 and HLTF ZRANB3 double gene-depleted cells We determined cell survival in respond to various DNA damaging agents including cisplatin methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) Additionally we determined progression of replication in response to MMS-induced replication stress We found that the depletion of HLTF and SMARCAL1 simultaneously further reduced progression of replication both in the absence and presence of MMS when compared to HLTF-depleted cells However more studies will be needed to verify this result
Date of Award2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorHung-Jiun Liaw (Supervisor)

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