Heat Transfer Enhancement and Optimization Analysis of High Performance Variable Louver Angle and Electrohydrodynamic Technology

  • 陳 俊忠

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The paper study is divided into two parts Firstly the influence of the variable louver angle of the louvered fin heat exchanger on the heat transfer enhancement is discussed which is a passive heat transfer enhancement method The other part is a active type heat transfer enhancement method with the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) technique and this part is divided into two directions of wire and needle electrodes to explore on the influence of heat transfer enhancement of plate surface in the case of natural convection Which are described as follows: The optimization of the variable louver angle (Δθ) and initial louver angle (θi)for a louvered-fin heat exchanger was determined numerically using the conjugate gradient method The area reduction ratio relative to a plain surface was the objective function to be maximized A search for the optimal variable louver angle (Δθ) and initial louver angle (θi) in the ranges of +0°
Date of Award2019
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorJiin-Yuh Jang (Supervisor)

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