Interactive Effects of Perceived Risk and Place Attachment on Post-disaster Destination Image and Revisit Intention

  • 林 彧君

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Despite the significance of perceived travel risk and destination image and the significance of place attachment and destination image relatively few studies have addressed the moderating effect of place attachment and perceived risk on destination image including cognitive image and affective image This study draws new insights by examining (1) the relationship among perceived risk place attachment destination image and revisit intention of repeat tourists to a risky destination and (2) the moderating role of place attachment between perceived risk and destination image A total of 732 on-line questionnaires were issued; 663 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed with an effective retrieval rate of 90 57% Statistical methods used to examine the overall model include a confirmatory factor analysis a descriptive univariate analysis and structural equation modeling The conclusions are as follows: 1 Perceived risk has a significantly negative influence on both cognitive image and affective image 2 Place attachment has a significantly positive influence on both cognitive image and affective image 3 Cognitive image and affective image have a significantly positive influence on revisit intention 4 Place attachment significantly moderates the relationships among perceived risk cognitive image and affective image Several managerial implications concerning the management of risk reduction strategy operating public relationships enhancing and constructing attachment with tourists and the promotion of risky destinations are discussed in this study
Date of Award2015 Aug 25
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChing-Fu Chen (Supervisor)

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