Investigating individual adoption and perception of mobile instant messaging: a cultural perspective

  • 薛 舒尹

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Nowadays Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) become the world-wide usage for communication This study observed that some Asian countries have fads in using LINE or KakaoTalk instead of universal MIMs such as: FB Messenger and WhatsApp Thus this study aims to investigate how cultural impact on MIM usage To analyze cultural effect on MIM usage this research adopted three cultural perspectives as a comprehensive investigation to frame cultural effect: 1) social orientation (independent and interdependent self-construal); 2) cognitive style (holistic and analytic thought style) and national cultures to examine in determining the MIMs’ use behavior This study also combined TAM Theory and Media Richness Theory to conduct questionnaire survey including both online and paper questionnaire approaches The total of 162 participants are 90 from Taiwan 62 from the U S others from Singapore Indonesian Japan China Vietnam Austria Australia and Ireland respectively Comparing to usage patterns from cultural differences by conducting multi-group approach on SmartPLS the results indicated that: 1) on social orientation: users with interdependent-self who have higher intention on perceived social enhancement and enjoyment then positively affect satisfaction 2) on thought style: there are no difference on Analytic and Holistic thinking style 3) on eastern and western cultures western users have higher impact on perceived complementary relating to perceived social enhancement perceived enjoyment and perceived media rich This reach verified that users with western characteristics (independent self and analytic thought style) who have a stronger perception on technological utility In addition users with eastern characteristics (interdependent self and holistic thought style) who have a stronger perception on social intention of technological nature Regarding to cultural impacts the findings confirmed three cultural perspectives (social orientation information processing style and national culture) which all influence possible cultural mechanism on MIM Respecting to development and operations of MIM with cultural implications in different countries is recommended As a result this research provides scholars a new perspective on design principle to express culture rooted by information of cognitive process aesthetic and social utility which shaping design model and usability on communication technology The implications of future development in research and business marketing are discussed
Date of Award2018 Sept 1
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorShyh-Nan Liou (Supervisor)

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