Investigating Mobile Call for Delivery from the Perspectives of Trust Transference and personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology

  • 黃 培旻

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


According to surveys conducted by Nielsen (2014) and FIND (2015) the ratio of using smart phones to enter the Internet grew from 35 3% in 2011 to 78 7% in 2015 Also the growth rate of consumer mobile shopping in Taiwan reached 49% in 2015 However trust plays a key role in internet use because transactions in the virtual environment are filled with uncertainty and risks Hence this study aims to discuss whether trust transference and personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology have effect on intention toward APP adoption There are some antecedents that can influence consumer trust which include the cognition-based attribute affect-based attribute experience-based attribute and personality- based attribute Moreover voluntariness of use was considered to have moderating effect on the relationship between personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology and intention to adopt APP A questionnaire was developed on the Internet yielding 840 valid responses Additionally SEM and AMOS were used to analyze data The finding indicates that consumers’ trust can be transferred in different entity to influence consumer behavior and increase consumer’s acceptance of mobile commerce Besides personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology also has effect on consumer behavior to adopt APP Voluntariness of use was verified to have effect on relationship between personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology and intention to adopt app This study offered some suggestions First companies should ensure that their services are conducted ordinarily and that their customers are satisfied enough to maintain trust in their company Second app companies should focus on those people who have personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology so that they can appeal them early on
Date of Award2016 Aug 5
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorHsin-Hsin Chang (Supervisor)

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