Crowdfunding activities has been growing rapidly in the past few years Many project creators are able to gather enough fund to establish their project a few of them successfully attract much more supports than what they need but also many projects fail to gather enough funds to establish the project Therefore success factors of crowdfunding project are still being explored This research brings the concept of brand personality to increase the success factor of crowfunding project Through the theory of self-congruity this research explores whether brand personality can ignite intention to invest in a particular crowdfunding project More importantly this research focuses on exploring the source of brand personality in the crowdfunding project An experimental study was done and conclude that crowdfunding creator’s expertise and profile picture can be the source of brand personality especially in the sincerity competence and ruggedness dimensions Brand personality is also concluded to have a positive significant effect to intention to invest through the mediation effect of self congruity At the end of the research theoretical and practical contributions are discussed
Date of Award | 2018 Aug 1 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | Tien Wang (Supervisor) |
Investigating the Source of Brand Personality in the Crowdfunding Context
福龍, 林. (Author). 2018 Aug 1
Student thesis: Master's Thesis