Low-light-level Raman-assisted four-wave mixing based on EIT

  • 連 囿荃

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


In this thesis we demonstrate a specific four-wave mixing arranged in backward configuration based on electromagnetically induced transparency with extremely low-light level both experimentally and theoretically A strong driving laser creates a transparency window for a weak anti-Stoke laser The four-wave mixing process is then produced by a weak and far-detuned pumping beam which convert the anti-Stoke laser to Stoke laser through Raman transition The pumping laser is being arranged counter-propagating to the anti-Stoke and driving lasers thus the weak Stoke beam is generated along the direction of the pumping field hence the backward four-wave mixing scheme is established In the experiment we have observed a FWM process with around 0 005% conversion efficiency by using the pumping laser pulse containing energy about the order of 10 femtojoule
Date of Award2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorYong-Fan Chen (Supervisor)

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